The BRAZILIAN PLATFORM ON BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES is an initiative of Brazilian researchers whose mission is to produce syntheses of the best available knowledge by academic science and traditional knowledge on Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and its relations with human well-being.
The BPBES was launched with the support of national broad institutions such as the Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and Information System on Brazilian Biodiversity (SIBBr), in addition to partnerships with with the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), the BIOTA/FAPESP Program, the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development (FBDS) and the Brazilian Plant-Pollinator Interaction Network (REBIPP).
Currently, the coordination of the group is shared by 5 members:
Aliny Pires (UERJ)
Carlos Joly (Unicamp, Biota/Fapesp)
Cristiana Seixas (Unicamp)
Paula Drummond de Castro (Maritaca Divulgação Científica)
Rafael Loyola (IIS)
It is made up of members from different regions and institutions in Brazil with renowned expertise in understanding the relationships between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being.:
André Ferretti (Grupo Boticário)
Carlos Young (UFRJ)
Fabio Scarano (UFRJ)
Felipe Melo (UFPE)
Gerhard Overbeck (UFRGS)
Ima Vieira (Museu Goeldi)
Jean Paul Metzger (USP)Jean Ometto (INPE)
José Sabino (UNIDERP)
Maíra Padgurschi (UNICAMP)
Mercedes Bustamante (UnB)

BPBES team during the 1st. General Meeting of Authors – February 2017
The BRAZILIAN PLATFORM ON BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES is an initiative of Brazilian researchers whose mission is to produce syntheses of the best available knowledge by academic science and traditional knowledge on Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and its relations with human well-being.
To do this end, BPBES has the support of national broad institutions such as the Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and Information System on Brazilian Biodiversity (SIBBr), in addition to partnerships with with the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), the BIOTA/FAPESP Program, the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development (FBDS) and the Brazilian Plant-Pollinator Interaction Network (REBIPP).
Currently, the coordination of the group is shared by 6 researchers affiliated to Research Institutions and Brazilian Universities:
Carlos Joly (Unicamp, Biota/Fapesp)
Fabio Scarano (UFRJ, FBDS)
Cristiana Seixas (Unicamp)
Jean Ometto (INPE)
Jean Metzger (USP)
Mercedes Bustamante (UnB)
Core Team
BPBES is also composed of a core team from Brazilian institutions and universities:
Aliny Pires (FBDS)
Ana Gabriela Lima (USP)
Andrea Larissa Boesing (USP)
Antonio Marques (USP)
Antônio Saraiva (USP)
Aryanne Amaral (FBDS)
Camila de Oliveira (Unicamp)
Carlos Grelle (UFRJ)
Cristina Adams (EACH/USP)
Débora Drucker (Embrapa Informática Agropecuária)
Francisco Sousa (UFG)
Gerhard Overbeck (UFRGS)
Helder Queiroz (Instituto Mamirauá)
Ima Vieira (Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi)
José Maurício Quintão (UnB)
José Sabino (Uniderp)
Juliana Farinaci (INPE)
Leandra Gonçalves (Unicamp)
Maíra Padgurschi (Unicamp)
Manuela da Cunha (USP e The University of Chicago)
Maria Teresa Piedade (INPA)
Nathan Vogt (Univap)
Paula de Castro (Unicamp)
Pedro Brancalion (Esalq/USP)
Peter May (UFRRJ)
Rafael Loyola (UFG)
Ricardo Rodrigues (Esalq/USP)
Silvia Ziller (Instituto Hórus de Desenvolvimento e Conservação Ambiental)
Tatiana Gadda (UTFPR)
Vera Imperatriz-Fonseca (ITV)
In its first assessment, expected to be delivered in October 2018, BPBES also has guest authors:
Bernardo Strassburg (Puc-Rio, IIS)
Celso Monteiro Filho (IBGE)
David Lapola (Unesp Rio Claro)
Luiz Martinelli (Esalq/USP)
Eduardo Dalcin (JBRJ)
Érika Pinto (ICMBio)
Fabricio Baccaro (UFAM)
Fabio Feldmann (FFCconsultores)
Geraldo Fernandes (UFMG)
Peter Toledo (INPE)
Philip Fearnside (INPA)
Rachel Prado (Embrapa Solos)
Ulisses Confalonieri (FioCruz)
Vinícius Farjalla (UFRJ).
BPBES team during the 1st. General Meeting of Authors – February 2017